Call for papers

Call for papers

Submission Website:

We welcome submissions of full papers as well as position papers, work-in-progress, and papers discussing open problems and challenges. Topics include, but are not limited to:

Computer vision models for geospatial data

Applications and workflows


The CV4EO@WACV24 workshop will have a half-day program, including 2 keynote addresses and individual presentations. Three main submission types will be included in this workshop:

Full research papers: presenting mature research on a specific problem or topic in the context of computer vision for Earth Observation data analysis. Submissions will be limited to 8 pages, including figures and tables, following the WACV style (same guidelines as the main conference). Papers will be peer-reviewed following the same WACV main conference policies (i.e., double blind) to ensure the quality and the clarity of the work. Accepted full research papers will be included in the Workshop Proceedings of WACV 2024

Short research, demo or vision papers: short research articles or industry demonstrations of existing methods, toolkits, pipelines and best practices for CV4EO, as well as short papers discussing vision for future directions and/or statements on gaps and challenges for the development of AI technology and their applications in the geospatial domain. Accepted short papers will not be included in Workshop Proceedings of WACV 2024, but can be published in the CV4EO Workshop’s website upon author’s agreement.

Nectar track: authors can submit short papers based on research that has already been published at relevant conference or journal publication within the last two years, which they would like to discuss with workshop participants. Contributions accepted for the Nectar track will not be published in the conference proceedings. Authors are not required to change the format of preexisting papers, but submissions are limited to 8 pages and must be accompanied by the original published paper.

WACV submission guidelines:

Author kit can be found here